Saturday, January 14, 2017

Fitness Planning for Jan 1-8

I'm so behind on showing you my fitness and planning! But I'm so excited about all my Paper Issues pages and challenges. I swear even with all that going on, I've been on top of my fitness game and I'm so proud of myself!! 

With the new year, I've changed it up just a little though. Instead of random Pinterest workouts, I decided to whip out my Women's Health Big Book of Exercises and do one of the workouts from the back of the book. Right now I'm doing the 8 weeks til Wedding Body. Yep, no wedding here but I want to look like a fabulous bride! HAHA! Weeks 1-4  has an A or B work out that you alternate 3 days a week.  I've also been doing my own warm up cardio as well as still fitting in my runs before or after the work out. 

This is what I did in my planner! I love the big fitness sticker pack from MAMBI, so many bright colors and fun stickers to use. I also actually had washi already that matched :D I'm finally able to use up my washi haul maybe??  

Monday - 15 minutes on the bike ; Wk1 D1 of the Wedding Workout from the Fitness Book as well as a 2 mile run! 

Tuesday-  15 minutes on the elliptical and a 2 mile run.

Wednesday- 15 minutes on the bike; Wk1 D2 of the Wedding WO and a 2 mile run.

Thursday- REST

Friday- 15 minutes on the elliptical and 3 mile run! So proud of myself!!

Saturday- 15 minute on the bike; Wk1 D3 of the Wedding WO and a 2.5 mile run. 

Sunday- REST ( went out of town so I just didn't work out)

Total Miles : 11.5!! How awesome!!

I know I'm a little behind showing you the work outs but I will be back with this past week's workout! They aren't as exciting as I've been sick with some flu-ish virus going around, and even though I feel a little better- I'm afraid to do a lot of motion that may cause something to turn ugly.  

xo. Renee

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